Most bags are made to order and typically take 1-2 weeks to ship. Please see our Home page for up to date approximate turnaround estimates.
Durability of our bags is good however they can be prone to snags. Some fabrics are more prone to snags than others (the fast side of our Vector series). This is due to the delicate weave of the fabric. Snags do not affect the play of the bag and are only cosmetic. A fabric fiber will shift/pull out of place and the print will highlight a white streak. We recommend coloring the streak with a matching Sharpie marker. Small touch up (pushing the fiber back in place) or clipping of loose threads with fingernail clippers or small scissors is all that is required. We still warranty the bag for defects but not for damage due to play.
The biggest cause of snags is board conditions and playing areas. We recommend that you check all surfaces of the boards you are playing on for anything that could snag the fibers of the bag. These are premium bags that are meant for premium equipment. Boards should be coated properly, and all edges should be rounded over so there are no sharp corners.
Play in areas that have a soft surface such as grass, turf, pitching pads or carpet. Parking lots, concrete areas and areas that contain rocks can rip, tear or puncture holes in the bags.
Custom bags orders require customer approval of a digital mock-up. By approving the mock-up, you agree to all aspects of the design, including but not limited to: spelling, punctuation, colors and placement of artwork. Lead-times for custom bag orders start at the time of mock-up approval.
Refunds are not available on custom bag orders.
Warranty of our bags is 90 days from the date received. The warranty covers stitching failures. Cosmetic defects must be brought to our attention within 7 days from the date received. The warranty does not cover snags as previously described. Warranty is not transferable.